Custom Key Mapping for First Person Character Not Working?

I’m new to UE4 so please bear with me, thanks!
Basically I’m creating a basic first-person game, and I’ve imported the basic first-person character asset that was available in the market place for free a little bit ago. There’s an option in the object settings to use custom key mappings that you define in the project settings or to use the key mappings built into the first-person character. The problem is that when I try to use my custom key mappings I am not able to look, move, or do anything else outside of the editor (such as when I package a project or use the launch button). If I deselect the custom key mappings button I don’t have any problems but I’m not able to set custom values for the character or add extra input controls. Is this a problem with the first-person character or is there a way to use custom key mappings but still have movement outside of the editor?