Custom IFC-Import does not work?!

Hey guys,

we are currently trying to implement a custom IFC-file import workflow in our product. Therefore, we tried to implement a custom python script as described here:…ess/index.html
However, this line does not work:
ds_scene_in_memory = unreal.DatasmithSceneElement.construct_datasmith_scene_from_file(ds_file_on_disk)
We get this error:

[2019.10.04-10.24.48:703] 2]LogWindows: Failed to load ‘libalias_api.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
[2019.10.04-10.24.48:703] 2]LogWindows: File ‘libalias_api.dll’ does not exist
[2019.10.04-10.24.48:703] 2]LogDatasmithImport: Error: Datasmith import error: no suitable translator found for this source. Abort import.

When we import the ifc-file directly through the editor, everything works fine and the file is imported. Our script works fine with normal “udatasmith”-files.

Is this a bug in the current version or do we need to use another function in our custom script? Or does Epic currently not support the custom import for IFC-files?

Unreal Version: 4.23


(our example ifc file:

I got the information from the Unreal support team that the ifc-file importer is not supported in 4.23 but is added to 4.24. Just if someone else also wants to know.

Hi , what’s up with your IFC-File import?
I ask you because we are trying to manage problems we got with IFC materials,
Could be nice to talke with your project…Are you ok?