custom HUD not drawing anything

I have a custom game mode (which is pretty bare)
and my custom HUD, which just has : Event Receive Draw HUD → Draw Text()
This event does get called, but no text gets drawn …
Do i have to hook this up in any other way ?

It would help if you show a screenshot. Have you selected a font? (you’ll need to create one by default) Is the size reasonable? Is it actually positioned on screen? (positive x & y) Have you specified the string to draw?

Try changing the font colour and clicking play again. (sounds silly i know, but try it)

Yeah, change the color… it might be transparent the color… I think the default color is transparent, so you have to turn up alpha channel.

heres the simple setup :

that event gets called

i have no idea if im meant to setup other things
im using my own game class, camera class etc…

changing colour didnt work, giving it a font didnt work…

Have you selected a font? (you’ll need to create one by default) - according to the help box : if NULL, default font is chosen
Is the size reasonable? - font size? what ever default is
Is it actually positioned on screen? (positive x & y) yes, but even 0,0 should be top left
Have you specified the string to draw? - yes

sorry, im mistaken that event is not getting called !

Give it a font and make sure you are using your HUD in game mode and you are using that game mode when you play.

i didnt realize it hadn’t been set in the World settings (still getting used to ue4 from ue3/udk)

cheers guys!