Custom head to Metahuman ( DNA Asset question)


I recently was trying to get my custom head to Unreal 5 using Metahuman model to be able to use board control / Live Link functions.
I was following the tutorials I found on youtube where you transform the head to look like yours, by using morph targets in Maya to change the shape of the original metahuman head.

here is where you can see the process.

On the stage when I add two indexes under Face_ControlBoard_CntrlRig:
1.DNA Asset
2.Asset guideline
( 7: 32 on that video)

I notice that the shape of my custom head changes significantly.
It looks like some of the original metahuman head features influenced how my custom head looks like. It seems like the head starts inheriting some head proportions.
My head and the original head are quite different, and I believe DNA Asset contains some information about the shape of the head.

Did anyone counter this or knows what’s the best way to prevent any changes to the custom head from the metahuman head but still not losing the ability to use the Control board rig.



This is unfortunately how the mesh to metahuman plugin is supposed to work.

I believe they are trying to limit the amount of offset from the base, parametric heads available, and your custom MH head mesh, so to avoid undesired results, breaking the rig, etc.

There are other ways to get where you need to, but it requires a broad range of skills and time.