Alright, So I’ve been making a custom movement system were you have a mode were you can run up any curved surface, eventually being able to run upside down, terrain permitting.
My main issue is that when I try to rotate the actor to match the floor it’s standing on the whole thing starts shaking like mad, and I’ve tested to make sure that the change orientation code isn’t just constantly triggering.
Another problem is that somewhere along the way I’ve managed to bork the walkable floor angle limit. Instead of just halting any movement on a too steep slope my character freezes altogether.
I’ve been trying to keep all of my modification limited to the custom character movement component I’ve made, specifically a custom movement mode that was duplicated from MOVE_Walking.
Here’s what I have:
enum ECustomMovementMode
TESTMOVE_Running UMETA(DisplayName = “Running”),
TESTMOVE_Rolling UMETA(DisplayName = “Rolling”)
class RUNNERBUILD_API URunMovementComponent : public UCharacterMovementComponent
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Running")
float RunAngle;
virtual void InitializeComponent() override;
//void RunAlongFloor(const FVector& InVelocity, float DeltaSeconds, FStepDownResult* OutStepDownResult);
void CalcRunVelocity(float deltaTime, float Friction, bool bfluid, float BreakingDeceleration);
void PhysRUN(float deltaTime, int32 Iterations);
void PhysROLL(float deltaTime, int32 Iterations);
virtual void PhysCustom(float deltaTime, int32 Iterations) override;
virtual void TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) override;
URunMovementComponent.cpp excerpt:
void URunMovementComponent::CalcRunVelocity(float DeltaTime, float Friction, bool bFluid, float BrakingDeceleration)
// Do not update velocity when using root motion or when SimulatedProxy - SimulatedProxy are repped their Velocity
if (!HasValidData() || HasAnimRootMotion() || DeltaTime < MIN_TICK_TIME || (CharacterOwner && CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy))
Friction = FMath::Max(0.f, Friction);
const float MaxAccel = GetMaxAcceleration();
float MaxSpeed = GetMaxSpeed();
// Check if path following requested movement
bool bZeroRequestedAcceleration = true;
FVector RequestedAcceleration = FVector::ZeroVector;
float RequestedSpeed = 0.0f;
if (ApplyRequestedMove(DeltaTime, MaxAccel, MaxSpeed, Friction, BrakingDeceleration, RequestedAcceleration, RequestedSpeed))
RequestedAcceleration = RequestedAcceleration.GetClampedToMaxSize(MaxAccel);
bZeroRequestedAcceleration = false;
if (bForceMaxAccel)
// Force acceleration at full speed.
// In consideration order for direction: Acceleration, then Velocity, then Pawn's rotation.
if (Acceleration.SizeSquared() > SMALL_NUMBER)
Acceleration = Acceleration.GetSafeNormal() * MaxAccel;
Acceleration = MaxAccel * (Velocity.SizeSquared() < SMALL_NUMBER ? UpdatedComponent->GetForwardVector() : Velocity.GetSafeNormal());
AnalogInputModifier = 1.f;
// Path following above didn't care about the analog modifier, but we do for everything else below, so get the fully modified value.
// Use max of requested speed and max speed if we modified the speed in ApplyRequestedMove above.
MaxSpeed = FMath::Max3(RequestedSpeed, MaxSpeed * AnalogInputModifier, GetMinAnalogSpeed());
// Apply braking or deceleration
const bool bZeroAcceleration = Acceleration.IsZero();
const bool bVelocityOverMax = IsExceedingMaxSpeed(MaxSpeed);
// Only apply braking if there is no acceleration, or we are over our max speed and need to slow down to it.
if ((bZeroAcceleration && bZeroRequestedAcceleration) || bVelocityOverMax)
const FVector OldVelocity = Velocity;
const float ActualBrakingFriction = (bUseSeparateBrakingFriction ? BrakingFriction : Friction);
ApplyVelocityBraking(DeltaTime, ActualBrakingFriction, BrakingDeceleration);
// Don't allow braking to lower us below max speed if we started above it.
if (bVelocityOverMax && Velocity.SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(MaxSpeed) && FVector::DotProduct(Acceleration, OldVelocity) > 0.0f)
Velocity = OldVelocity.GetSafeNormal() * MaxSpeed;
else if (!bZeroAcceleration)
// Friction affects our ability to change direction. This is only done for input acceleration, not path following.
const FVector AccelDir = Acceleration.GetSafeNormal();
const float VelSize = Velocity.Size();
Velocity = Velocity - (Velocity - AccelDir * VelSize) * FMath::Min(DeltaTime * Friction, 1.f);
// Apply fluid friction
if (bFluid)
Velocity = Velocity * (1.f - FMath::Min(Friction * DeltaTime, 1.f));
// Apply acceleration
const float NewMaxSpeed = (IsExceedingMaxSpeed(MaxSpeed)) ? Velocity.Size() : MaxSpeed;
Velocity += Acceleration * DeltaTime;
Velocity += RequestedAcceleration * DeltaTime;
//Test to see if this stops one from achieving higher speeds.
//Velocity = Velocity.GetClampedToMaxSize(NewMaxSpeed);
if (bUseRVOAvoidance)
void URunMovementComponent::PhysRUN(float deltaTime, int32 Iterations)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("Running"));
if (deltaTime < MIN_TICK_TIME)
if (!CharacterOwner || (!CharacterOwner->Controller && !bRunPhysicsWithNoController && !HasAnimRootMotion() && !CurrentRootMotion.HasOverrideVelocity() && (CharacterOwner->Role != ROLE_SimulatedProxy)))
Acceleration = FVector::ZeroVector;
Velocity = FVector::ZeroVector;
if (!UpdatedComponent->IsQueryCollisionEnabled())
devCode(ensureMsgf(!Velocity.ContainsNaN(), TEXT("PhysWalking: Velocity contains NaN before Iteration (%s)\n%s"), *GetPathNameSafe(this), *Velocity.ToString()));
bJustTeleported = false;
bool bCheckedFall = false;
bool bTriedLedgeMove = false;
float remainingTime = deltaTime;
// Perform the move
while ((remainingTime >= MIN_TICK_TIME) && (Iterations < MaxSimulationIterations) && CharacterOwner && (CharacterOwner->Controller || bRunPhysicsWithNoController || HasAnimRootMotion() || CurrentRootMotion.HasOverrideVelocity() || (CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy)))
bJustTeleported = false;
const float timeTick = GetSimulationTimeStep(remainingTime, Iterations);
remainingTime -= timeTick;
// Save current values
UPrimitiveComponent * const OldBase = GetMovementBase();
const FVector PreviousBaseLocation = (OldBase != NULL) ? OldBase->GetComponentLocation() : FVector::ZeroVector;
const FVector OldLocation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation();
const FFindFloorResult OldFloor = CurrentFloor;
// Ensure velocity is horizontal.
const FVector OldVelocity = Velocity;
Acceleration.Z = 0.f;
// Apply acceleration
if (!HasAnimRootMotion() && !CurrentRootMotion.HasOverrideVelocity())
CalcRunVelocity(timeTick, GroundFriction, false, GetMaxBrakingDeceleration());
devCode(ensureMsgf(!Velocity.ContainsNaN(), TEXT("PhysWalking: Velocity contains NaN after CalcVelocity (%s)\n%s"), *GetPathNameSafe(this), *Velocity.ToString()));
devCode(ensureMsgf(!Velocity.ContainsNaN(), TEXT("PhysWalking: Velocity contains NaN after Root Motion application (%s)\n%s"), *GetPathNameSafe(this), *Velocity.ToString()));
if (IsFalling())
// Root motion could have put us into Falling.
// No movement has taken place this movement tick so we pass on full time/past iteration count
StartNewPhysics(remainingTime + timeTick, Iterations - 1);
// Compute move parameters
const FVector MoveVelocity = Velocity;
const FVector Delta = timeTick * MoveVelocity;
const bool bZeroDelta = Delta.IsNearlyZero();
FStepDownResult StepDownResult;
if (bZeroDelta)
remainingTime = 0.f;
// try to move forward
MoveAlongFloor(MoveVelocity, timeTick, &StepDownResult);
if (IsFalling())
// pawn decided to jump up
const float DesiredDist = Delta.Size();
if (DesiredDist > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
const float ActualDist = (UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation() - OldLocation).Size2D();
remainingTime += timeTick * (1.f - FMath::Min(1.f, ActualDist / DesiredDist));
StartNewPhysics(remainingTime, Iterations);
else if (IsSwimming()) //just entered water
StartSwimming(OldLocation, OldVelocity, timeTick, remainingTime, Iterations);
// Update floor.
// StepUp might have already done it for us.
if (StepDownResult.bComputedFloor)
CurrentFloor = StepDownResult.FloorResult;
FindFloor(UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation(), CurrentFloor, bZeroDelta, NULL);
// check for ledges here
const bool bCheckLedges = !CanWalkOffLedges();
if (bCheckLedges && !CurrentFloor.IsWalkableFloor())
// calculate possible alternate movement
const FVector GravDir = FVector(0.f, 0.f, -1.f);
const FVector NewDelta = bTriedLedgeMove ? FVector::ZeroVector : GetLedgeMove(OldLocation, Delta, GravDir);
if (!NewDelta.IsZero())
// first revert this move
RevertMove(OldLocation, OldBase, PreviousBaseLocation, OldFloor, false);
// avoid repeated ledge moves if the first one fails
bTriedLedgeMove = true;
// Try new movement direction
Velocity = NewDelta / timeTick;
remainingTime += timeTick;
// see if it is OK to jump
// @todo collision : only thing that can be problem is that oldbase has world collision on
bool bMustJump = bZeroDelta || (OldBase == NULL || (!OldBase->IsQueryCollisionEnabled() && MovementBaseUtility::IsDynamicBase(OldBase)));
if ((bMustJump || !bCheckedFall) && CheckFall(OldFloor, CurrentFloor.HitResult, Delta, OldLocation, remainingTime, timeTick, Iterations, bMustJump))
bCheckedFall = true;
// revert this move
RevertMove(OldLocation, OldBase, PreviousBaseLocation, OldFloor, true);
remainingTime = 0.f;
// Validate the floor check
if (CurrentFloor.IsWalkableFloor())
if (ShouldCatchAir(OldFloor, CurrentFloor))
CharacterOwner->OnWalkingOffLedge(OldFloor.HitResult.ImpactNormal, OldFloor.HitResult.Normal, OldLocation, timeTick);
if (IsMovingOnGround())
// If still walking, then fall. If not, assume the user set a different mode they want to keep.
StartFalling(Iterations, remainingTime, timeTick, Delta, OldLocation);
SetBase(CurrentFloor.HitResult.Component.Get(), CurrentFloor.HitResult.BoneName);
// Rotate Character to match floor.
FRotator CurrentRotation = FVector(CurrentFloor.HitResult.ImpactNormal).Rotation();
FRotator OldRotation = FVector(OldFloor.HitResult.ImpactNormal).Rotation();
// If the rotation hasn't changed then nothing needs to be done.
if (CurrentRotation != OldRotation)
CurrentRotation.Pitch -= OldRotation.Pitch;
CurrentRotation.Roll -= OldRotation.Roll;
CurrentRotation.Yaw = 0.0f;
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("Doing Something."));
else if (CurrentFloor.HitResult.bStartPenetrating && remainingTime <= 0.f)
// The floor check failed because it started in penetration
// We do not want to try to move downward because the downward sweep failed, rather we'd like to try to pop out of the floor.
FHitResult Hit(CurrentFloor.HitResult);
Hit.TraceEnd = Hit.TraceStart + FVector(0.f, 0.f, MAX_FLOOR_DIST);
const FVector RequestedAdjustment = GetPenetrationAdjustment(Hit);
ResolvePenetration(RequestedAdjustment, Hit, UpdatedComponent->GetComponentQuat());
bForceNextFloorCheck = true;
// check if just entered water
if (IsSwimming())
StartSwimming(OldLocation, Velocity, timeTick, remainingTime, Iterations);
// See if we need to start falling.
if (!CurrentFloor.IsWalkableFloor() && !CurrentFloor.HitResult.bStartPenetrating)
const bool bMustJump = bJustTeleported || bZeroDelta || (OldBase == NULL || (!OldBase->IsQueryCollisionEnabled() && MovementBaseUtility::IsDynamicBase(OldBase)));
if ((bMustJump || !bCheckedFall) && CheckFall(OldFloor, CurrentFloor.HitResult, Delta, OldLocation, remainingTime, timeTick, Iterations, bMustJump))
bCheckedFall = true;
// Allow overlap events and such to change physics state and velocity
if (IsMovingOnGround())
// Make velocity reflect actual move
if (!bJustTeleported && !HasAnimRootMotion() && !CurrentRootMotion.HasOverrideVelocity() && timeTick >= MIN_TICK_TIME)
// TODO-RootMotionSource: Allow this to happen during partial override Velocity, but only set allowed axes?
Velocity = (UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation() - OldLocation) / timeTick;
// If we didn't move at all this iteration then abort (since future iterations will also be stuck).
if (UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation() == OldLocation)
remainingTime = 0.f;
if (IsMovingOnGround())
void URunMovementComponent::PhysROLL(float deltaTime, int32 Iterations)
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("Rolling"));
void URunMovementComponent::PhysCustom(float deltaTime, int32 Iterations)
switch (CustomMovementMode)
case TESTMOVE_Running:
PhysRUN(deltaTime, Iterations);
case TESTMOVE_Rolling:
PhysROLL(deltaTime, Iterations);
Sorry that there’s so much to go through, but part of the problem is that I don’t know where to start looking.