Hello, I am rather new to UE4 (I’m moving over from Unity) and I just wanted to get something out here. So, as you may already expect from the title, I’ve been working on a custom first person controller.
What I’ve done is convert the third person controller into a first person one where you can see the characters arms, legs, etc and also created three different speeds of ground movement.
- By moving around using only W,A,S,D you move at a sort of jogging pace. I felt this was a good middle ground for being able to move fast but not at a constant super-human speed.
- By tapping Caps-Lock you can toggle ‘walking’ mode. This will cause you to walk at a slow pace when using W,A,S,D.
- By holding down shift and moving forward you can sprint. Whenever you stop holding down shift you return to whatever default movement mode you are in (‘Jogging’ or ‘Walking’)
Video of the listed features (Sorry about the low quality) :
Currently there is no stamina but It is a feature I have planned.
I would really like some feedback and if you have any suggestions please tell me!