Ok so I’ve got an animation blueprint that needs to get a couple different variables. What I’m doing is having my player controller call custom events on my character class to move and aim. The character events, then calls a custom event to set the animation variable replicated to the server. There are 4 custom events that get called from these movement and aim custom events. 1 is the horizontal blendspace variable, 2 is the forward blendspace variable, 3 is the vertical aim for the players head to look up and down, 4 is the horizontal aim to add a turn tilt to the body and change the direction the players head is looking. Then, the animation blueprint has a custom event replicated to the server where it gets the character pawn, and gets those variables and sets it’s own variables equal to them. The problem is when I set all 4 custom events to be replicated on the server, the movement in multiplayer becomes jittery/stuttery. If I set the aim ones to not replicate on the server, the movement jitter goes away but then the animations aren’t replicated to the server so other players won’t see the animation change. So I need to know if there is a way to optimize the blueprints to not cause the jitter. I recreated this on a separate project and the issue persisted. I also should say that I had similar code running on a different project in an 4.24 and it worked fine. I’m going to go back to 4.24 and see if it fixes the issue. Any help is appreciated, here are some screenshots of the blueprint code:
Player Controller:
Player Character:
Animation Blueprint: