Custom events not available in level blueprint

I was binding some events from player character in my level print and suddenly I could not reference any more to my custom event in level blueprint. It seems that this is now so in every level, so it is not related to level. I have tried to restore level from a backup but that also does not matter.

I named some events in playercharacter class event1, event2, event3. Could this be related?

See screenshot

Are you trying to bind your events using Event Dispatchers or just trying to called those events inside Player Character?


Well problem is within level blueprint. Event dispatchers actually work. I think that custom events that I currently have still work; I just can’t add new ones.

Hey isgoed -

When you add a new Custom Event are you compiling Level Blueprint before attempting to call Function? If not, please try this and let me know outcome.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

I have done some more tests and it seems to happen when you do following:

  1. Open level blueprint.
  2. Open another level.
  3. Open level blueprint.
  4. Now you won’t be able to call any function or event in any level blueprint.

I have tested this for following:

  • Unreal engine 4.6.0
  • For 2 different projects (my main project and a fairly simple testproject)
  • I restarted UE every time
  • project was compiled.
  • When I encountered this bug I was configuring control input for my game so I suspected that this was related. I have renamed suspicious names for my control input from Event1, Event2, Action1, Action2 to VEvent1, VEvent2, VAction1, VAction2, but this had no effect.

One strange thing was that when I started testing today, first two times when I opened Unreal-Engine and wanted to load another level, it immediately crashed. This only happened twice and I was running in debug mode from visual studio. It did not happen afterwards ( error said something about …Guard)

For now I can continue working with workaround. I don’t need to add events and change level I am working on that often.

Can anyone else confirm bug that I found?

See screenshots attached.

Hello -

I finally was able to track down issue, thank you for additional information. It appears that it has already been reported in UE-7004 and here. I have added your information to report, but it also appears that it has been fixed in an internal build of engine which is currently going through testing now. As soon as I hear anymore I will let you know -

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Just to bump this, I’m still having this exact problem in 4.7.3

When I create a custom event in my level blueprint, I cannot actually call that event. I can circumnavigate it by just using functions instead, but bug is still there.

Hi ,

I just checked, and it appears this issue is present under certain circumstances in our internal build and bug is still being investigated. problem only seems to occur if you open Level Blueprint in one level and then open Level Blueprint in another level. For now, as long as you don’t open any other Level Blueprints before opening another level when you start Editor, you won’t have this problem. Every time you switch levels, though, you’ll need to close and reopen project before you’ll be able to call custom events in Level Blueprint again. Thanks for your patience with this issue!

Thanks a bunch for letting me know a work-around. Best of luck sorting out bug!

Hi, did this problem solved? Because I encounter this problem in 4.7.6.

And yes, if i reopen project problem disappeared, just want to let you know.

Hi rit -

This issue appears to be resolved in 4.8.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Totally works. Thanks a lot !!!

To expand on this, as I had this issue as well. I am working on a master scene with multiple levels, if you go to Window, Levels it will show your list of levels. I double clicked on one level to work on it, then opened blueprint for another level to add a custom even to it. custom event does not show up unless you double click that specific level in your level window to make it main focus. Once it is you main focus, you can find custom event execute.

So it looks like you need to have level open and current focus in order for your custom event execute to show up.