I am trying to use a custom event in MyCharacter blueprint which is the Pawn blueprint of the level and I want to fire it when I press F near another blueprint I called “Drop”, so when it overlaps the zone and I press F next to it it fires the custom event from the Drop blueprint which it does but I don’t know why, it just doesn’t do anything in the Pawn, it is supposed to fire the custom event and print a message but when I debug it I see that everything works right in the Drop blueprint and nothing happens in the Pawn blueprint.
I have set up the event function in the Drop blueprint with the right Variable of MyCharacter (Pawn), it is public but it won’t do it anyway. I have tried the first blueprints of the Blueprint_Communication level which does the same thing and it works in the Blueprint-Communication level, but not in mine, is there something I need to do in the level settings ?
Thank you for the help