Custom Event Tick?


Is there a way to make a custom event output like event tick does?
Note that the even tick changes the amount of output per frame compared to a fixed custom event timer, therefor its not the same and can cause more task to run per frame then needed

Tick is only called once per frame.

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If you need to slow down tick of a component or actor you can set the tick rate, but as ClockworkOcean mentioned tick only runs once per frame unless you change the tick rate but it can never run more than once.

I know tick is only once per frame, im asking in regards to how i can change so an custom event is called once per frame as well istead of setting it to a fixed timer

Any suggestions? :slight_smile:

Calling the custom event form event tick should do it.

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You can’t have tick and timer, it has to be one of the other :slight_smile:

Well, you can have something on tick, and the same thing on a timer. That would kind of be both…

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That actually works great in my case, Thanks :smiley:

You’re welcome, consider marking this as resolved.