I tried to fire a Custom Event. I couldn’t find ‘Activate Custom Event’ so I tried the equivalent Remote Event function. That works… but maybe it should be more clearly named. The Remote Event function tip says it looks for stuff on all other levels (does it also include the current one?).
Custom Events are basically functions, so on yourself you can fire a Custom Event just like you call any other function. We are currently working on an improvement that will let you call Custom Events on other Blueprints as well (this is currently disallowed). As you say Remote Event is sort of special in that it finds an event by name, and will search all other levels.
If Custom Events (via Remote Events) can’t look up other blueprints, I’m stuck …
From the main EventGraph, using a Press X input event, how to fire into a VIM blueprint to do a FlipFlop onto a SetVar to change the Active Child Index for a ‘Blend Poses by int’?
If I set the InputKey X FlipFlop inside the Vim Blueprint eventgraph (instead of the scene graph) it never fires.
If I use KismetUpdate Event, then the Blend swaps continually (causes animation jitter).
Hi Tom,
The images appear broken for me, so I can’t see the specific graph.
Until BP<->BP communication comes online, you have to use interfaces to talk between an animation blueprint and your pawn blueprint.
- Create an interface blueprint that has things like “SetAnimVelocity”, etc… in it.
- Implement this interface in your Vim
- When state changes (or just in Tick) on your Pawn, send messages to the object returned by calling GetAnimInstance on your Mesh (or other skeletal mesh component).
Michael Noland