Custom Effect Context in Gameplay Abiltity System

Hi! I have a question about making “Custom Effect Context” and accessing them in blueprints. But I get crashes whenever I try to access any custom variables created while in a networked enviroment. (when client’s tries to read I get the crash, but server can write and read)
So far I have tried the “TheGamesDev”'s “Creating your own Gameplay Effect Context. – The Games Dev” article and copied exactly what he is doing there. I am overriding the alloc method in the ability system globals and I use that AbilitySystemGlobals class.
In the crash logs the last log is
[2024.08.22-20.18.06:236][566]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [CUE_HitReaction_C_0] Server: 12
which is just the printline, nothing about the crash.
Could you help me about this? I don’t know what I am doing wrong. It has been 2 days without any progress. Thanks in advance. Please let me know if you need any more information.!