I’d like to display an array of values, indexed by strings rather than numbers.
IE: given an array int[] = {0,0,10} and FString[] = {“Alpha”,“Beta”,“Gamma”}
Alpha [ 0]
Beta [ 0]
Gamma [10]
rather than
0 [ 0]
1 [ 0]
2 [10]
I have looked at the “tutorials” on the wiki; I use quotes because I have yet to find one that actually works. Could someone please explain how to do this in a way that doesn’t assume I’m an Epic senior programmer who needs a refresher?
Problem is it renders that in a single bar
[((Alpha, 0),(Beta, 0),(Gamma, 10))]
rather than as a array. Also, adding new keys caused it to bug out, crashing the editor twice.
If anyone knows a way to get it to render vertically like an array, the crashing can probably be ignored as adding new keys won’t happen that frequently.
Oh, thats quite not possible, currently reflection system does not support TMaps, only TArrays is supported from all container types. You might try to do something with this, but not sure if this will work:
you definitly won’t be able to use TMaps in blueprints or else you make nodes to operate specific TMap in C++
TMap support for reflection system and bluepruints overall was requested few times and it’s considered to be implemented in future
Remember how I said the “tutorials” on the wiki don’t work? That one is a prime example. It’s out of date, incomplete, and doesn’t explain what it is doing.
I’m afraid you might need to backward engineer it, by looksing on other code. I find out there whole module in engine dedcated to details property customization for various types
You can preform the same thing from any other module (including yours), you just need to remeber to manually register the customization as this module does