Custom Destrucable Mesh

Hello everyone! Iam new to the unreal engine and i have a question about the destructable meshes.

How i can create my own destructable meshes ? I only have Square, Cubes and Spheres. I want to build a destructable rock/meteorit.

How should I begin ? Do i need a 3DTool like Autocad to realize it ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

This may cover your question.

this one is newer. and seems to be in more detail (long winded)

I’ve done this.

I create meshes in sketchup, export to DAE, then use the autodesk fbx converter to convert to FBX for ue4 import. From there, you need to create a destruction mesh. My typical usage is to use a ISM and on contact with something like a projectile, replace the ISM with the destructible mesh and add force to the point of impact for the explosion.