So I’m using the custom stencil to write to a render target and have some odd behavior when a static mesh is placed by a PCG static mesh node that does not occur otherwise. Not sure if I’m looking at a bug, but…
I have four types of object that all are the same custom stencil bit (3) and as a result should write to a render target when they get within a certain distance of my landscape. Three do, and one does not.
My player pawn has a custom stencil buffer of three and as a result when coming close to the landscape writes to the render target as expected.
A static mesh sphere hand placed into the level editor dropped from above by physics upon play that has a custom stencil buffer of three writes to the render target as expected.
A static mesh tree object (tried both nanite enabled and disabled) with a custom depth stencil of three writes to the render target as expected.
The same static mesh tree object (both nanite enabled and disabled) with a custom depth stencil of three placed by the PCG framework from the static mesh spawner (confirmed in the settings of the PCG that it does indeed have a custom depth of three) DOES NOT WRITE TO THE RENDER TARGET
Now at first blush I assumed that the problem lay with the PCG turning the custom depth off, BUT the interesting thing is that if I view the static mesh in the editor window and enable the custom depth view, the PCG spawned static meshes show up same as the hand placed ones. AND if I set a post process in the scene that shows only objects with the aforementioned custom stencil value of three the PCG spawned static meshes still show up.
You can see the lovely placed tulip poplar tree over there on the left written into the render target, as well as the ball rolling down the hill in the middle, and if you look ever so close you can see my character’s feet next to where the ball started to roll in white. The thing that is missing is all the PCG placed trees that should be, more or less all over the render target.
Is there something special about PCG spawned objects that prevent them from being seen by a scene capture?