Now that custom structs can be created in the editor it would be helpful to store struct values as assets in the content browser so they can be easily assigned in the details panel. As far as I understand this is possible in C++ by deriving from DataAsset. In Blueprint this does not seem to be possible and when creating a new DataAsset only the predefined types can be choosen (BlackboardData, ScriptAsset, TireData). Am I missing something here?
In case it is not that clear what I want to do, an example:
Lets say I create a Color struct (yes I know there already is one, just as an example). Then I would create a ColorAsset that holds a Color struct. I could then create assets in the content browser: Red, Green, Yellow, Black, White, etc. Some other blueprint would then get a ColorAsset variable and when editing the objects details in the editor an asset selector would appear (as does now for textures, meshes, etc.) that lists all available ColorAssets (Red, Green, Yellow, Black, White, etc.).
I know I could create something similar with a custom enum and a blueprint function containing a huge Select node, but this does not integrate well with the current editor workflow.