Custom DataAsset Editor Module problem


I have problem with creating custom DataAsset editor module. I would like to create custom editor module for my own DataAsset types with functionality to export/import data from .json files. I have working JSONParser and toolbar but rest of the view (List of struct properties) still does not work.

I would like my view to look like that:

At the moment I have working toolbar but properties/details view display only empty space.

Here is method responsible for initializing view for specified DataAsset types.

 void FDataAssetEditor::InitDataAssetEditor(const EToolkitMode::Type Mode, const TSharedPtr< IToolkitHost >& InitToolkitHost, UProjectNameDataAsset* InitItem)
ItemBeingEdited = InitItem; TSharedPtr<FItemEditor> ItemEditorPtr = SharedThis(this);  
// Bind commands
// Default layout   const TSharedRef<FTabManager::FLayout> StandaloneDefaultLayout = FTabManager::NewLayout("Standalone_ItemEditor_Layout_v6")
( FTabManager::NewPrimaryArea()
->Split ( FTabManager::NewStack()
->AddTab(GetToolbarTabId(), ETabState::OpenedTab)
->SetSizeCoefficient(0.8f) ->SetHideTabWell(true)
->AddTab(FItemEditorTabs::ViewportID, ETabState::OpenedTab)
  [INDENT=5]FTabManager::NewSplitter() ->SetOrientation(Orient_Vertical)
->AddTab(FItemEditorTabs::DetailsID, ETabState::OpenedTab)[/INDENT]

// Initialize the asset editor
InitAssetEditor(Mode, InitToolkitHost, ItemEditorAppName, StandaloneDefaultLayout, /*bCreateDefaultStandaloneMenu=*/ true, /*bCreateDefaultToolbar=*/ true, InitItem);

This is the function registering TabSpawners:

void FItemEditor::RegisterTabSpawners(const TSharedRef<FTabManager>& TabManager)
{ WorkspaceMenuCategory = TabManager->AddLocalWorkspaceMenuCategory(LOCTEXT("WorkspaceMenu_ItemEditor", "Item Editor"));
auto WorkspaceMenuCategoryRef = WorkspaceMenuCategory.ToSharedRef();


TabManager->RegisterTabSpawner(FItemEditorTabs::DetailsID, FOnSpawnTab::CreateSP(this, &FItemEditor::SpawnTab_Details))
  [INDENT=2].SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("DetailsTabLabel", "Details"))
.SetIcon(FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), "LevelEditor.Tabs.Details"));[/INDENT]

If I comment out code from function


I get ‘Unrecognized tab’ but at least it display my tab.

What should I do to make this display my details tab properly?

Tell me if you need more details.

Thank for any help.