custom configs in config.ini

Hi Guys,
i have see a mod with NarcoDarts that have own configs in the GameUserSettings.ini
i like to make the same with my mod here i like to give the users the option in the .ini to
config the Damage from a projectile from my weapon. Can any one say me how can i do the Explosive Damage to config in
the GameUserSettings.ini?

For example look this mod:


This may help HOWTO: Get Variable Data From an Initiation File - ARK: Survival Evolved - Epic Developer Community Forums

OK Thanks, i have make a event on the event graph but this is not working.

Any one can tell me whats wrong?

Deadly Weapons Graph

Dude! you are the creator of the “Barret” MOD! :cool: lot of people love it! so is a pleasure to help you out!.. my MOD do exactly what you want! checkout my Graph… Im really proud how I did it :wink:

Basically you need to put this Graph into the Main BP of your “gun or proyectile” (the one who hold the meshes)

Ajustar = “SET” + (your variable name)
Rama = “Branch”
Crear = “Make” + Instant Config Data

Thanks for the Help. But i have a question.
I Have found 2 functions with WeaponConfig 1 only Hit Damage(Make InstantWeaponData) this one i can’t connected to weapon config. So i have found the Other function (Make ProjectileWeaponData) this one i can connect to the Weapon Config.
Is this the right one? If is the right than i have one question more. Heres the ExplosiveDamage and the DirektDamage now how can i config the Direct Damage and the ExplosivDamage?

Here is my ScreenShot:

This is my idea to config the 2 Damages:

Second graph look good that thats the way to do it!. Now about the question about “MultiplierDamage” this should do the trick (not tested tho… when i get home I could test it)

Note: If you find how to cast and use the real “DamageType” ARK class tell me please! because I think this is not the right one.
Note2: Better save the Multipler value in a variable for later use.(Im not sure about the flow of the “WeaponConfig”)

This makes no more torpor only more Damage. I have found this in the internet. I Think thats is the right way but is not working.

Now i have make a new Event Graph by this. But my problem is that the Damage Multiplitier Amout to add get not the configs in the .ini. Can everybody help me?
This is my Event Graph:

One thing I have noticed with all of you guy’s graphs is that none have a delay or auth switch. You always want to add a delay after a Even begin Play & almost always need a Switch Has Authority.
Try it like this:

Other than the delay & switch, it’s only slightly different than what you have but I can confirm 100% that this works.

Since your doing a dart it should be a projectile & the easiest way I have found to change torpor is make a custom damage type for the projectile with a lot of torpor then adjust the damage amount of the projectile since it is multiplied by the torpor. IE: you have a dmgtype with say 100 torpor and your projectile does 10 damage, that’s 1000 torpor.