Not sure if this is an engine bug or something is messed up in my project’s config files, but objects with custom collision presets don’t work in the packaged build. They worked fine in 4.11.
It seems like that maybe some config files aren’t updated with the most recent collision config or something.
Here’s my collision config that I exported from the project settings: link text
And here’s my DefaultEngine.ini - it has a collision section: link text
How are you setting the custom collisions? In the Details panel of each object or though code?
Also, what types of objects are you having this issue with? All that have custom collision settings or just physics objects, world dynamic, etc?
I tested this in a blank project and it seems to be working on my end. Have you tried reproducing it there? If so, please post repro steps or a small test project.
I’m having problems with only these 3 response channels:
The rest of them work fine.
And I also get these 3 errors in the log - so that might be related
LogCollisionProfile:Warning: Profile (NoCollision) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel9' hasn't been found
LogCollisionProfile:Warning: Profile (NoCollision) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel10' hasn't been found
LogCollisionProfile:Warning: Profile (NoCollision) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel11' hasn't been found
Here’s the project that has the bug.
Take a look at Blueprints/AI/NPC class. For some reason FrontTrigger and BackTrigger are completely broken in standalone game, but work fine in editor.
(Actually any child collision box loses all of its settings)
I currently have a workaround where I move them to correct places in BeginPlay, but it would be great if I didn’t have to do that.
I’m wondering if something became corrupted in the Object Channels of the Project Settings. I deleted those three collision channels and recreated them, now the errors are gone for me. However it is a large project, I could have forgot to set something back up after recreating them.
Make a copy of your project and give that a try and see if it corrects the issue for you.
Just ran into this problem today, everything worked fine in PIE, but my mouse couldnt get a response of an interactable object once I launched into standalone game mode. I had custom collisions for the item (actor) and its children, to fix the issue I created a Collision Profile and added it to the actor. I launched the standalone game mode and everything worked as it did in PIE. (Blueprint only UE 4.27)