I’m trying to make a motorcycle, I’m using physics constraints as from what I’ve heard UE4’s vehicle system needs more than two wheels.
There’s two problems I’m having:
When I started making the bike I used spheres for the collision on the tires, that worked fine as long as the bike wasn’t leaning, as it would look like its hovering above ground a little. I tried custom collision, but it seems to be creating a lower poly version of it, leading to a very bumpy ride. How do I use the full mesh? I added an extra level of subdivision when I noticed how bumpy the ride was, before I realized it was recalculated, so I’ll try lowering it later to improve performance. Without exporting the collision mesh Unreal generates a extruded octagon for the collision, so I believe I’m doing the custom collision at least somewhat correctly. I tried importing with “One Convex Hull Per UXC” both on and off, which didn’t seem to make a difference. How can I use the full mesh? Or is there maybe a way to use subtracive collision to cut off the sides of a sphere collider with box colliders? Also, does triangulating the collision mesh worsen performance (I couldn’t have n-gons with one of Blenders export settings so I simply used a triangulate modifier)?
The other issue with the bike is Gear ratios, with gear ratios the higher gear is supposed to have less torque but more speed, when I add torque to the rear wheel I multiply it by the gear ratios (x9 for 1st, x6 for 2nd, etc), but the speed effect doesn’t work, and the bike just slows down. How would I emulate the speed part of the gear ratios, or do I need to cheat it by perhaps limiting the angular velocity of the rear tire to the angular velocity that it has when the engine is at the max RPM, or something along those lines?
One other minor issue I’m having is with smooth shading looking somewhat flat (exporting flat shading from Blender looks even more so). My export settings in blender had smoothing set to Face with Tangent Space ticked. In Unreal the export settings have import Normals and Tangents set as the normal import method. How can I fix this?