Custom Clothes to Metahuman and adding to Third Person Blueprint.

Hi guys, I created a custom jacket for my metahuman and painted it in Blender to the rest of the body, upon importing and adding it to the character blueprint, it doesn’t move with the rest of the body.

When importing I assigned it to the Mannequin skeletal mesh. Changed the Anim Class, nothing. Made it a child of the torso and gave it the same configurations but nothing.

I have gone through a couple of YouTube videos but haven’t found that exact one I need to solve this. Can anyone assist me on this one?

Hello @Ivanim,

If you want the jacket to follow the animation of the character, you need to add the Set Leader Pose Component in the Construction Script:

This will make the child skeletal mesh (jacket) use the same anim instance than the parent (character). Please let me know if it works for you!