Custom Character/Custom Clothes

how can i import or customize my UEFN character either physically or with accessories or weapons?


Yes I would love to know as well. I want to try import other game character models into uefn


Same, I’d love to know this too :frowning: please post here if you ever find out!

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Well I know how to import models and such. But I cant figure out how to replace models for e.g replacing one of the smg models with a realistic looking model. Now I would really love that.

Steps on how to “Import” in UEFN

  1. Make a project or open a existing project
  2. In the bottom left click “Content Drawer”
  3. Find the Folder that has the name of your project
  4. Click that Folder and make another Folder inside it called “Models” or something that will make you remember what it is. We do this because it makes it look alot more tidy
  5. Once you are in that Folder you made click “Import” In the top left of the folder box
  6. Find your .fbx file or whatever you exported or downloaded a model from this could be other files not just a .fbx so keep in mind where you stored it!
  7. Enjoy my friend :slight_smile:

If I’m not mistaken, you can’t, at least in this build. There’s nothing mentioning that you can change player model, texture, etc, on the docs. What you can do for now is prepare your models and textures for a possible future update.

No but you can add any model into the game. But Epic has plans later this year to add this and add in purchasable cosmetics within a game

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