Custom C++ class components not showing in add component tab


When we were using 4.6 we created a bunch of custom components in c++, and could add them via the “add component” button in blueprints.

Since we upgraded to 4.7 we aren’t able to see the components previously created in the add component list.

We found a work around - we just drag the C++ class from the content browser into the components tab and it adds fine, however it is still not showing up in the “add component” list.

Is this a known issue? Is it supposed to be like that? The components are set to visibleAnywhere and we can use them in the components tab - but we thought they used to be accessible through the add component list - now they’re not…

Can you let us know if there is a change we are supposed to make or if this is a bug with the engine? For now we will just drag the component c++ class in from the content browser.



Hey brentJmcewan-

In the UCLASS() macro for your component class, make sure you have ‘ClassGroup=( [GroupName] )’ and then compile. Your components should then appear under the group name you listed in the Add Component drop down.


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Thanks !
Worked like a charm! We just hadn’t realised that was necessary - thanks for your helpful and speedy response!

Thank you!

I had to add meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent) to UCLASS macro as well for it to work.

UCLASS(ClassGroup = (Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))