Good catch! It seems the pin error has gone - at least for now. shows the create object node without “HidePin = “WorldContextObject”, DefaultToSelf = “WorldContextObject”” and it compiles in Blueprint without error.
I’ll update the tutorial to match this, thanks for the post
Can this node be used in a construction script? When I use this in “The First Person (Blueprint)” template in the “MyCharacter” blueprint’s construction script it crashes UE4 (4.2). Am I using it wrong?
Edit: I just realized this was thread was about a different Wiki entry I am referring to your (Create Object from Blueprint) Wiki entry
With the help of your documentation I’ve created a video tutorial for people to follow
Mentioned you in the description.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for posting that! I’m extremely new to C++ and creating blueprint nodes. I wish to point out an error with the tutorial that hung me up for a bit.
The cpp file should read as this:
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.