Curves dont show up in curve editor

Hello knowledgeable people,

I have this strange problem with UE4.5 on my Mac. Whenever I create a new curve or open a curve editor whether it is via Cascade or simply double clicking the curve asset the curve dont show up in the curve editor in a single try.

Sometime I have to open the asset multiple times to be able to see the curve and edit it and other times I have restart the editor.

For eg: the following happened today when I created a new float curve.

  • Create a new float curve. Open it in the curve editor.
  • The curve opens. Now when I add a new key at a specified location, I can only see the time and value text boxes that pops up at the top left but there is no curve to be seen and no keys. The graph ares remains empty.
  • Then either I have to restart the editor or try re-opening the same curve asset multiple times. Only then I am able to see my previously placed key.

This is kinda annoying. Does anyone have an idea why it is happening?

Hi Anshul,

I’ve logged this as [UE-5920] for investigation, but I wasn’t able to reproduce on the current development version of UE4. Could you provide machine specifications for your Mac from the  > “About This Mac” dialog?
In the meantime make sure that you have updated to the latest version of OS X (Yosemite 10.10.1) as that has the latest OpenGL drivers for OS X.

Attached is the info you requested.

I have also attached a screenshot of the UE4 curve editor. You’ll notice that I have a key at a certain time value but the graph itself is missing.


I’d need the information from the More Info… panel which will tell us what GPU your Mac is equipped with. If it has more than one then you’ll need to generate a system profile using System aka System found in /Applications/Utilities/

I had the same problem. Just gotta click the graph icon on the cascade element you want to control with curves.

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