Curved bridge

what programs are you using and where did you get them mate? im completely new to this stuff and want to join in/ create my own stuff:)

I downloaded the student version of 3d max. The tutorials I’ve been watching are
Along with a lot of youtube video’s of course.

Follow up question on the bridge. I see how in you UV mapping if i could to stretch horitzonal and vertical I can get my textures to be more of the right size instead of super big. Is there a better way to do that, like with tiling or something? Also, can I import a texutre into 3d max from Unreal to see how it would fit?

Am I the only one who thinks that the bridge has way too many polys for this small size ? Try to model the bridge again with less polys. Do the Details with “Normal Maps” and “Displacement Maps” for more Detail. You can somehow bake the Normal Map of a high res Model onto the LowPoly Model in 3dsMax… It`s just a tip. If you want to stick to the HighPoly Version i strongely recommend a LOD1 (Level of Detail) Model with less Polys. Otherwise you will definetily mess up your Framerate when get like 100 Objects per Scene…

I’m still getting the hang of this. So what you are saying is…

My objects have too much detail all the time, and thus when the world gets full it will be a drag on most systems. I’ve seen some people make two versions of each model, a high poly and low poly. Then you use level of detail to only show the high poly one when close to the object yes?

I will try to take that into account as I start figuring all this stuff out. To be honest I was just pretty happy that I could actually get multiple materials on one object. And I want to figure out how to get my materials to always tile correctly.

Yep thats it :wink: . Im working on a City Map at the Moment. I got a Building with 52.000 Verts. If you have a whole city with that polycount it would cost tremendous computing power. Im doing 3 different LOD`s (actually 2) . The Third Level is the hiding mode.

I would strongly recommend to take a look at LODs as soon as possible. Because you create the LODs from the original Meshes. So you build up your mesh, and generate the LODs afterwards. Otherwise you will have to open each model again and so on.. Thats not very practicable for your workflow, trust me :wink:

good Luck !!