I have my modular character. The main body SkeletalMeshComponent and his other skeletal meshes attached, hair, shirt and so on.
I want to select the shirt, hover the mouse cursor over it and click on it. But theres no way to detect it.
I created an event by right clicking the shirt (on begin cursor over) but theres no way.
These are my collision options
Just in case, Ive tried mouse input events and they work just fine. This same character has a sphere -staticmesh- which works as a trigger when clicked. But I cant figure out how to make skeletalmeshes detected
The asset already has collisions, in fact:
If I create a new blueprint with this skeletal mesh asset containing only this mesh and create the Begin Cursor Over event for it, it works when I play the game. So its not an asset issue.
But, the moment Im using it on my main body skeletal mesh it doesnt work. So it has to be something with it.
If it helps (and I think this is the problem) my shirt is a child target of the main body. Im using Master Pose Component for getting animations on all my meshes :