Cursor forced to the middle of the screen when I intreact with widget using Gamepad

I’m using Common UI and have created this very simple Pause Menu with 3 buttons: Start (on top), Options (in the middle) and Quit to Main Menu (on the bottom). The navigation works fine with the mouse but whenever i try to navigate with my gamepad the cursor locks itself to the middle of the screen, selecting the options button. After this I can move the mouse and it keeps working fine, but as soon as I interact with the gamepad it goes to the center of the screen again.

This doesn’t happen with my main menu, which is set in a different scene. There I can navigate it with the gamepad just fine and the cursor remains wherever it was, as it should be.

This is the only logic implemented in the Pause Menu Activatable Widget:

I solved it.

As I said, this wasn’t a problem in the main menu, so I duplicated it and rebuilt the pause menu from it. I still don’t know what the problem was but right now I don’t care anymore.