Cursed Physics Constraint Behavior

Hi everyone, im making game that should have fully modular vehicle (modular vehicle addon is cursed and bad asf), so i need to create a suspension for that vehicles, there i create phys constraint component in my suspension actor and add to it behavior settings: linear limits are locked (z is limited) and angular limits locked too.

so first look it looks normal, and ive expected that this constraint will move constrained components in one direction (z up&down), but when i place my suspension on chassis and start to move suspension went strange, kinda it doesn’t respect the restrictions and just goes to any directions doesn’t respect the restrictions instead of being constrained in just one axis, ive tried ANYTHING to solve this: pre tick requisitors, constraint projection (with it worse that without), shock propagation, mass conditioning (lol it nonphysic so it wont work for my purposes), parent domination also doesnt work good.


ive tried some other manipulations with ways to fix problem, all of those has 0 results, there still deform where it should not be.

also ive noticed that this problem appears when i creating another contstraint:

without attaching wheel theres no such explicit problem (i think it still here), but when i attach wheel base that constrained to wheel mesh to any mesh on suspension constraint the problem start to annoying

so i still dont know why f LOCKED angular and linear limits ISNT THAT LOCKED!