Currently UE can not simply create a near-real spherical gravitational world, which makes it difficult to make a real map of the Earth.

Currently UE can not simply create a near-real spherical gravitational world, which makes it difficult to make a real map of the Earth.

Apparently, spherical gravity was lurking in the character code, and is now available in 5.4

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Sound like overhiping a bunch of BS that has been in engine (or outside it for those willing to look) for years.

Didn’t catch the gravity bit. But it doesn’t matter.

The landscape is flat, they didn’t make it so it automatically accounts for an elliptocal diameter.

The rest of the engine inclduing the grid and unit system all work based on a flat surface with no option to make it otherwise.

Creating a world will still require tons of hacks and work, possibly even more now considering that using nanite in a non flat surface via shader manipulation is probably harder…

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Agreed. Best way if you want a spherical world, is to write the player yourself… :rofl:

You jest, but it is.

By now the default character class has just trash in it instead of usable code.
Everyone at epic that passes by with an idea adds to it without realizing there is costs involved.

It’s n longer just the replication which 80% of projects don’t need.
While the character class is probably the last thing to look, It is something worth looking at for longevity purposes of the project…

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Yeah, no jesting was happening :smiling_face_with_tear: