Hello guys.
I need your help ;). I want to make a system when the player drag coins in trigger box and his score rises. (Sorry for my bad English). I have made some blueprints , but it works not only with coins , it works with every actor that overlap with triiger. What should I do ?
if your trigger box that fires the event is in the player
plug the on overlap node to cast to coins (the coin class) so there will be 2 return pins, “on cast sucessfull” and “on cast fail” on sucess you increase the score, if it’s fails you do nothing, it’s because you overlaped something else
if the event that increases the score is in the coin, you use the same logic, but cast the other actor to your player class.
this is something similar i did in my code, there’s a trigger box in the world that i want to do something when it overlaps the player, i use the cast node to be sure that it’s overlapping the player