Culling issue, and preview grids issue, in world partition in 5.0.1

So preview grids seems to be broken in 5.0.1. The cells get really skewed depending on the camera angle, and swim over the surfaces.

Also, things cull unpredictably. If you just open a 3rd person starter map, enable partition, and place a bunch of cubes scattered around the level, and PIE, some cubes will not cull until waaaaay farther away than the loading range (tested with cell size at 1024, loading range at 2048 and World Partition Editor cell size at 12800, as well as various other numbers). After testing several layouts of cubes, the ones that don’t work as expected seem pretty random. Much of the time, the problematic cubes will act as a “culling group,” that is, they will all cull and show at the same distance, which is not perceivably related to the loading range, or cell size.


Im having the exactly same issue with the grid messed by the camera angle.
did you solved it?


I work on an ultrawide monitor and found that i was also getting warping of the lines. I found out a good way to solve this and i hope it works for you.

Go to project settings > Editor > Performance

there you will see a viewport resolution tab.

go down to the minimum default rendering resolution: (add resolution of monitor)
go down to the maximum default rendering resolution: (add resolution of monitor)

this should fix the warping of the preview grid.

hope this helps.



THANK YOU SO MUCH. I fixed the grid thanks to you.

I just ran the same test in UE 5.1, and the partition culling bug is still there!!! Is this ever going to work properly?