Hello, my CullDistanceVolume seems to be culling absolute anything that touches it, regardless of size.
I’ve tried a bunch of different sizes but no matter what, anything in this volume disappears. Placing this effectively wipes out anything it touches (Note that the entire ground, which is Huge, is also gone). Most objects are so big that it’s not even possible to get close enough for them to appear again.
As we speak I’ve been making a couple of passes on some new visibility culling documentation (Occlusion Culling, Precomputed Visibility Volumes, and Cull Distance Volumes) that should be out in the not so distant future.
Until then, here are some tips for setting Culling Distances for your Cull Distance Volume that should help you understand better.
When setting Cull Distances in the Cull Distance Volume you will likely always want to set the last one to be Size [some value] and the Distance to be 0. This is important because it makes sure that if you have any actors in the scene that bounds are larger than then value or meet this value they will not cull. If you specify a value the actor will cull and it’s not always something you want to have happen.
Here is an example with some test values and showing the difference.
Changed the 4: Cull Distance to be a value of 2500.
Notice the difference between the two. By adding this last Cull Distance to use a Distance value of 0 we no longer cull any of the actors that fit that size.
Also as an alternative, you can select each actor you never want to be culled out and in its settings uncheck the option for “Allow use with Cull Distance Volume”.