Cube grid mesh problem with overlap event

Hi, I’m trying to get a mesh made with the cube grid system as a trigger volume. Right now, if the user enter the cube grid, there is a bunch of Overlap Enter and Overlap End triggering back to back, and if part of the player is outside the cube grid, the overlap end and overlap strart will trigger at repetition if the player move inside the cube grid. Anyhow, any Idea howe to fix this issue?

What are you trying to do?

If you make a simple BP with an collision volume in, and use OnBeginOverlap ( and end ), each BP can figure out for itself when the overlap has occurred. You don’t need to manage it centrally.

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Right now, if the user enter the cube grid, there is a bunch of Overlap Enter and Overlap End triggering back to back, and if part of the player is outside the cube grid, the overlap end and overlap strart will trigger at repetition if the player move inside the cube grid. Anyhow, any Idea howe to fix this issue?
I’m trying to create an overlap event from a mesh I did with the cube grid system, I know how to create overlap event from a a simple basic static mesh and it work, but I’d like to be able to do it with a cube grid mesh since the cube grid can create a more flexible geometry(For instance, if I have a carvern and I want to have a trigger that match the cavern pattern)

If you have a lot of collision volumes, you will get a lot of overlap events.

The only way to make it one big overlap or not, is to put the whole thing in one blueprint, and use begin and end overlap.

Does the cube grid have a lot of collision volume? and I’m not sure what you mean by putting this in one blueprint (And event if I could how it would fix thing)

Ahhh… I thought you meant a grid of cubes :slight_smile:

Lemme think…

In the settings


CG blocking


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Nice, it work, I prefer having it a mesh instead of a volume, easier to see and easier to select but other than that it work perfectly thanks

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