If set Visibility of the text box to “Visible”, one can Ctrl+Click only on the very thin edge of button outside the text box. If set that parameter to “Not Hit-Testable”, one cannot select text. Who knows how to combine these two features?
The topic is actual.
Double bump.
Triple bump.
Unfortunately, despite the elapsed years, the topic is actual again. Quadruple bump.
Quintuple bump.
Sextuple bump.
Septuple bump.
Octuple bump.
2022 was 3 years ago ? lol I thought it was last year.haha
what do you mean “combining”?
like how would it behave.
Are you questioning seriously or trolling? If first, all the necessary behaviour is described in the topic name.
Bump. The topic is actual again.
select the text in its child editable multi-line text box
Query the container for the relevant child (or fetch it directly), get text, turn it to string, extract what is needed if just a fragment is needed.
Since the ask is not very clear (to me), do clarify please: do you want to instead mouse-select a text fragment as if you were using a caret?
Hello @Everynone!
It would be the optimal way.
Sorry I don’t understand the meaning of
What does this mean?
Get the widget with the text if you know which one you want. If you do not know upfront which one you want, you can ask the button for its children (there can be only one anyway).
You’ve managed to create a convoluted title, I’m afraid - hence no answers. Or you want something blueprints cannot do. We’ll see. Unless you tell me off, too, for enquiring @baobao4435
I do know the text box object reference but this does not help. I cannot either Ctrl+Click the parent button or click the child text box.
Quick (private) answer. I would also like to right-click this button for the context menu.
i don’t get what you want to do or why this is an issue. Detect ctrl onKeyDown
, set up a flag. When left click connects, query the flag → do what needs doing either to the button or to the text based on that. Is that it?
I would also like to right-click this button for the context menu.
You’d need to develop your own button for this - highly recommended. Native buttons
do not like right clicks and other, unbuttonlike behaviours.
Quick (private) answer.
What does this even mean? How does this answer my question?
OnKeyDown depends on the focus. Do I need to detect this on all the widgets in the game?
Will OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp work in this case? (Of course, I still mean a text box on top.)
EDIT: also, do I understand right that this means just creating a new widget and place it inside the other widget? Or something more complex?
Can’t read minds, don’t know any criteria you’ve yet to mention… Parhaps list the requirements.
This what? Please read the question and answer it if you need help. I still have no clue what you want from the text in the button and under what circumstances should it be selectable.
That’s literally what I’ve got. Ctrl click text or button and select some text that may not be hit-testable.