CSV Import Adds "Row Name" as Default Column

CSV import to UE4 is adding a “Row Name” title to the first column.

Without a blank column, UE4 does not recognize the first column and adds a ‘Row Name’ column header. The next column has the name of the original first column, but the data is left blank.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a spreadsheet with the desired data. In this case, LibreOffice 7.0 was used.
  2. Export spreadsheet to .CSV file format.
  3. Create a Structure in UE4 with fields/types matching those of the spreadsheet.
  4. Import (drag or button) spreadsheet to UE4 directory.
  5. Click through dialog popups. Select newly created Structure. No checkboxes selected.

Expected Result:
The CSV imports to a properly formatted Data Table.

Actual Result:
The first column (string name) is not recognized. UE4 adds a “Row Name” header and places the first column’s data in that column (with whitespace characters removed). The data under the actual first column name is blank.

Attempted Workaround:
Add a new first column to the spreadsheet. Insert sequential numbers into these fields. Leave the column name blank. Save as CSV, Import to UE4.

Attempted Workaround Result:
The CSV imports without error. The originally untitled column appears with the “Row Name” title.

This behavior does not match the UE4 documentation (from 4.9). The user should have the option to include a numbered column or not. As the rows are numbered by the editor, this results in a redundant numbering scheme.



Adding images from Workaround:

I also want to know the answer to this

order of operations is causing the problem here.

Unreal requires the column “row name”. This column is how rows are looked up.

Easiest way to work is like this:

  • create your struct
  • create data table from struct
  • export data table as csv
  • import csv to your spreadsheet editor program
  • export when ready
  • reimport to unreal

if you need a display name, it’s probably better to not use the RowName, but make a separate column.

Thank you for the reply. When I have some time, I will check to confirm this answer, both in 4 and 5.

I had the same issue so i edited my spreadsheet to look like this.
I still get Row Name column but the data is presented correctly.

Edit: Im using UE5.1 but the issue seems to be the same.