CSC : error CS2012: Cannot open 'AutomationUtils.Automation.dll' for writing

when i use vs2015 to start ue4 and build android package,it can not work with this info, and i run it with .uproject can success. is there any way to build with vs2015 ?

Hello ggalt,

From what I understand, the Android SDKs still require 2013 to function at this point. There are a few warning messages when generating project files that warn about this and usually with Binary builds the editor will automatically give you a 2013 project upon regenerating your project files if it detects the Android SDK. Have you tried compiling for Android with 2013 to ensure that it works and that using 2015 is indeed the problem?

We haven’t heard from you in a while ggalt. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, have you tried 2013? In the meantime, I’ll be using this post to this issue as resolved for tracking purposes. Once you’re ready, a comment will reopen it so that we can continue.