How can I have my in-game character trigger a death when either slowly crushed by a heavy physics-simulated object, or hit really hard with one? I’ve got everything prepared (death animations and all) so all i require is how to trigger death through this.
Basically what I would like is for the player to trigger a death, when an object exherts a defined amount of force on it. This could be due to momentum, weight etc.
Thanks in advance!
Just use collision volumes. On Overlap, have the death animation play/enable physics, whatever you want.
how can I have my in-game character trigger a death when either slowly crushed by a heavy physics-simulated object, or hit really hard with one?
I wouldn’t want it to just kill the character on touch
I’m wondering how the character can be killed through high momentum collisions and high weight forces acting on the body
Then you just need to write that exact logic, but you’ll still need collision volumes to start that event.
- Collision Volume
- Overlap
- Logic with bools
- If heavy enough
- Kill Player
- If not heavy enough
- Don’t kill player
- Play appropriate animations
Okay I came up with an idea that the player could somehow detect the magnitude of forces acting on it. Once it reaches a certain limit the player dies. Is there any blueprint function to detect magnitude of force from an object acting on the player? If not, how would I go about it?