So basically im creating my own game (for fun) which is arena survival type game
The problem that i have when i press Crouch, the player does crouch, however it legs lifts up -.-
Problem |Below|
The legs “go up in to the air”
Anyone can help me fix this? I’m a beginner, im learning “game dev” only for a month or two, i dont know lots of things
if I have made any mistakes in writting this sorry <3
Believe your problem is with the capsule collider in the character blueprint, reduce this to half height when you crouch.
I had a similar issue with crouching. My player’s legs would lift into the air and he would float about! I first found this post and tried to manipulate the capsule to no avail. Then I checked the animation. Sure enough, the silly crouch idle was the culprit!
The animation for the crouch idle had the character model positioned some distance above the ground. Once I moved the model to the floor then + keyframed at the ZERO position on the timeline, my player began crouching to the floor as he should!
Hope this helps someone!