Hi people have you any idea how to make crouch for the third person with animations? Thanks.
You need to make a animation sequence for crouching.
If have imported for Blender in to UE4 I will be able to help.
I do not know haw to do it on UE4 but I can give you some guides if you want.
I would imagine using Blend per bone nodes in the animation graph for this, from spine down. This to be able to do other stuff too while crouching, like holding a torch for example.
I have it working this way, unfortunately my blueprint is overcomplicated so I can’t really screenshot a clear example of how its done, because frankly I don’t remember where exactly I placed the most important blend, but I’m sure that I’ve got it to work with the blend per bone nodes.
You might have to use more than one of those nodes to make everything look good, basically it allows you to make each limb, or bone do a different animation (blend) and have it all composed into one pose as result. So you could make your knees bend and let everything from above the hip do its own thing, as an example.
Good luck.
Yea, but cant you send some screenshots or video? That might help the best…
“Animation Sequences in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation” This next link is where I got my 2 others from.
“Suche - Unreal Engine sequences”
“Animation Sequence Editor in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation”
Hi there, I hope this won’t overcomplicate stuff for you. It is the best example I could find. It seems that I have decided not to allow the character to be in stealth and simultaneously do other stuff, like fighting or magic. That’s why I’m also including my torch holding mechanism, which illustrates how that would be done (by me at least).
As you can see, the only thing I’m doing in the character blueprint is set Booleans true or false, according to a button press. The rest takes place in the anim graph of the animation blueprint, I am not using state machines for this currently. Have fun.