Hi guys, this is more of a [How to fix] than anything. In essence, the FPS template’s crosshair is not in the middle perfectly, it is off by a small amount FPS players everywhere flip their tables!. This is how to fix the issue!
So here is a before and after, the opacity crosshair is before the fix:
So to do this, open up your FirstPersonHUD blueprint and add in a float - float function:
The number 8 is half the size used by Screen W and Screen H which are the dimensions of the cross hair texture. So if you want a bigger texture you need to change those values to match and then use half that number in place of 8.
For Epic: Maybe instead of the way it is, the BP scans the texture used first then offsets it automatically based on texture size and then the Screen W and H can be updated from that information on load.
Hope this helps someone!