Crosshair in 3rd person?

Did you change the HUD Settings inside your Project Settings to your new HUD Blueprint? Would you mind providing some more infomartion and screenshots of what you are trying to do and on what is actually happening?

How do I get a crosshair to show in the 3rd person template? I ported over the hud blueprint from the FPS one but it dose nothing.

I have the basic 3rd person template up. And what im trying to do is just have a crosshair show like in the FPS. And I don’t see any other HUD under settings.

First make sure your blueprint hud is set to be the default hud. Then within the blueprint to connect event receive draw HUD To a draw texture node.

You can set it under “Edit->Project Settings->Maps and Nodes”

Select your migrated HUD Blueprint from the FPS under “HUD Class”. You can see it on the pictures attached.

If this is all new to you, i would recommend you to watch the basic tutorial series on youtube by epic games (just google / youtube it).

that worked that’s all I needed thanks

I’ve got exactly the same Setup under Unreal Engine 4.12 and it’s not working. I have tried with the Content Examples HUD blueprints and even with a simple HUD blueprint that spits out a text string…I’ve set those said HUD’s as my HUD class and yet nothing happens. :\