Crossfade By Parameter remade in Metasound

I remade the “Crossfade by parameter” from the old sound system, but this time in metasounds.
Just wanted to share.

(upload://htpMVe2G30NecDENJriW1EMDVJS.uasset) (104.3 KB)
FadeByFloatExport.uasset (85.7 KB)

Just leave the “crossfade” input 0, on the crossfade mixer blank. It’s not supposed to be connected to anything.

If you put this asset inside a metasound, you will see values for fade in start/end etc.

Below is a real world sue case:


Thanks ! Very useful :wink:

hello, new to metasounds how do i control the fade outside of meta sounds?

I have set up my own version of fade by float in UE 5.0.3 (because the .uassetfile here does not work due to old engine version i guess)

and then i set up a control metasound

I want to input from blueprints a linear interpolate float to change between my loops

or is this not a terribly valid usecase for this?

I would do something like this, and in the blueprint move the crossfade value between 0 and 4 with “map range clamped”

Hey Can you help on this to understand what’s going inside this graph:

I need it too :frowning: