Cross compile for linux failed "Invalid target platform specified"

im on ue4 4.24 source build and am cross-compiling for Linux from windows ive downloaded the tool chain but when i compile the cook command failed saying

UATHelper: Packaging (Linux): LogTargetPlatformManager: Error: Invalid target platform specified (LinuxNoEditor). Available = { AllDesktop, Android, Android_ASTC, Android_DXT, Android_ETC2, AndroidClient, Android_ASTCClient, Android_DXTClient, Android_ETC2Client, Android_Multi, Android_MultiClient, IOSClient, IOS, Lumin, LuminClient, TVOSClient, TVOS, Wind
owsNoEditor, Windows, WindowsClient, WindowsServer, XXX }
PackagingResults: Error: Invalid target platform specified (LinuxNoEditor). Available = { AllDesktop, Android, Android_ASTC, Android_DXT, Android_ETC2, AndroidClient, Android_ASTCClient, Android_DXTClient, Android_ETC2Client, Android_Multi, Android_MultiClient, IOSClient, IOS, Lumin, LuminClient, TVOSClient, TVOS, WindowsNoEditor, Windows, WindowsClient, Win
dowsServer, XXX }

after you install linux toolchain you need to run GenerateProjectFiles.bat again.
After that is done you need to go to your game dir and right click switch unreal version which will generate new files for your project for VS.
After that you need to rebuild the development-editor
That fixed it for me