Hi guys! We’re an Animation Studio in the Philippines, and this our first game. We do mostly game art for clients from other countries, then we decided to develop our own game, and we chose Unreal Paper 2D to do it.
We’ve got no coding skills, and we’ve just started learning Blueprint last May 2016. So far this is what we’ve accomplished, with only 3 people working on it.
The Crop Circle Warriors is a 2D Run and Gun / Hack and Slash Game for Android and iOS.
A ranged character. He is one of the main characters, has more energy pool than other warriors
Cyber Handgun, Cyber Shotgun, Gatling cannon
Every third attack he shoots a charged bullet dealing more damage
His special ability is he shoots a large ball of energy passing through enemies and deals a lot of damage
Video Soon:
A melee character
Bomb rat. A mutated rat that explodes when you get near
Bomb bat. A mutated bat that seeks the player and explodes when you get near
Blood hound. A mutated dog that has two attacks, bite and slash
Game Updates:
Updated gameplay
More Info with videos @ https://www.facebook.com/TheCropCircleWarriorsGame/
Game Update
So the game can now be downloaded on google play (Demo) And its Free
we plan to finish this on October, to show it on a local game convention. Comments and suggestions would be deeply appreciated,
after the final release I will be making tutorials for this and hopefully would be a great help to others