Using a slightly older engine version, but it should work. Here’s the issue that’s crashing the editor:
[2019.03.29-13.42.39:998][170]LogMac: Assertion failed: Assertion failed: NewOperatorInputA [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4+Release-4.16+Compile/Sync/Engine/Source/Editor/BlueprintGraph/Private/K2Node_CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator.cpp] [Line: 287]
I get this issue anytime I try to open a map or blueprint.
This project is from Windows and I’ve migrated it over to Mac to get the Mac build up and running.
I am using the VictoryPlugin from Rama, and searching the log that XCode outputs (seen above), it seems as if its related to it. Since then I’ve attempted to disable it (same error occurs) and then also delete it entirely from the projects plugin folder. Same issue is still occurring. This issue, obviously, does not happen on Windows.
Any help into this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
UPDATE: After upgrading the project to 4.21, the error persists on Mac. I am still unsure what to do. It seems creating a new project and migrating the files over to it seems to work (can load up some blueprints), but I’d rather not do this if there is an actual solution since it means resetting up some code and other things.