I’m unsure where to post this exactly, but this seemed like the best section of the forums since this is a code project.
I’m currently trying to migrate a windows project over to Mac and get it up and running. I can get the project built from XCode, and can get the project loaded if I disable startup maps.
When it actually loads up, attempting to open any map or blueprint results in the following error:
[2019.03.29-13.42.39:998][170]LogMac: Assertion failed: Assertion failed: NewOperatorInputA [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4+Release-4.16+Compile/Sync/Engine/Source/Editor/BlueprintGraph/Private/K2Node_CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator.cpp] [Line: 287]
I’m running on 4.16.3, but after upgrading to 4.21, the issue still persists. It seems creating a new project and migrating assets over works, but obviously that is a less than ideal situation since it’d mean resetting up quite a lot of essentially code and other project files.
Another note is I am using the VictoryPlugin. I am a bit unsure if it is causing the issue or not, and I also do not know - do .uplugins need to be recompiled manually for Mac?
If anyone has any solutions or ideas to try, they would be much appreciated!