Title: “Colorado Nature”
Credits to sourced content: Did not use anything from the Marketplace or Megascans.
Student Submission: No
Description: This project wasn’t specifically created for this challenge but since this is about world building abilities we decided to submit the work. Over 900 Square Kilometers. The landscape is based on LiDAR data and the vegetation is spread out according to real world vegetation coverage map. From the players eyes on the ground to the bird eye view up in the sky we tried to make it all look detailed an realistic. Using dynamic lighting and Lumen we’re no longer limited to static skies and the environment has various different lighting presets build into it. Working at such a massive scale was an extremely time consuming and difficult task but the final results look truly spectacular. We hope you enjoyed watching the video.
Note: The blur around the screenshots is coming from a post processing material inside the engine.
Engine version: The final environment is in UE5.0