**1. Video title – Pumpkin Guards **

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  • Thanks to Unreal Engine for the limitless possibilities. I have been using the engine learning 3d animation for about 3 months and happy with the results, but a better PC would perfect my productions as majority of my challenges are system crashing due to low specs on my part. Just to render the 1 minute video took like 3 hours due to crashing. Even with those challenges the learning curve is not difficult, more like addictive. All the tombstones and crosses I created in Unreal Engine using modelling tools.
    A special thank you to all those responding in the forums for solving concerns that helps me greatly to achieve results. Big thank you to all the people who post quality YouTube videos that guides the learning process greatly. If there is anyone willing to help me further learn the program and can share best practices with me to move me forward on a solid footing, feel free to get in touch.

    1. Engine Version : Unreal Engine 5.0.3 Running on Windows 7, Intel i3 – 6100, 3.70ghz, 8gb memory