"Creepin' It Real" | Creep it Real Challenge


Title: Creepin’ it Real


Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:


Modular Concert & DMX lighting:

Ancient Undead Pack:

Skeleton Army:



Random Monsters:





Luminous Signs:

Instruments and High tech equipment:



Editor Screenshots:

I decided to go off the natural route and demonstrate the PARTY side of halloween. I learned DMX lighting, advanced sequencer, animation and camera concepts as well as some new material shading tricks for this project.

Engine version: 5.03


First, I have to say, the song behind the video is spectacular. Very charismatic and fun! But why in the world did you add the nightmare fuel at 0:47?! :sob: Coulda lived my whole life without seeing dancing zombie-alien-horror-creature-things.

All jokes aside, great submission, and good luck with the challenge!

PS: That crow has a better sense of rhythm and keeping a beat than I ever will.


The song is fun for sure, I actually merged 3 songs from filmmusic.io together to make the version I used. Glad you found the vibe I was going for, figured I’d try to show off the party side of Halloween instead of the creepy side.

I appreciate the thoughts and feedback, thank you!


This was very entertaining. Great job.


This is great :smiley:


Oh man so much fun! I love this!


I absolutely adore this! It’s like the Monster Mash 2022! I loved the dance of the ancient undead! They totally owned the dancefloor! Who said creepy can’t be fun?

It’s so cool that you learned things you hadn’t known before to create this project! Of the things that you learned, what was the easiest and what was the most challenging?

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Thanks! I learned a lot.

Better workflows for transferring animations from market place assets, and between skeletons. Rather than loading all assets into one project and transferring the animations between skeletons, I found it easier to side load animations into their own projects and export all animations into a single folder and then import the animations I needed onto specific skeletons - this makes it really easy for future use and centralization of assets.

I learned the ins and outs of DMX lighting. A bit intimidating at first, they are actually easy to use once you’ve set a few up. It just comes down to a bit of data entry for setup of each.

Previously for sequencer animation I would compile everything into one shot. This makes changes to any part of the shot next to impossible to manage. This project I learned the value of a master shot and how I could then iterate and make changes to individual shots. Big win for future projects.

There were a few smaller things I learned as it relates to materials - adjusting the colors on the pumpkins, creating fonts and then importing them into a decal.

I’m going to spend some time learning the different camera types and experiment with different shots as a takeaway. I liked the alternate camera look for the dancers at the end so thats a bit of a takeaway project. There is more but I’ll leave it at that for now :wink:

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That’s awesome, glad you enjoyed!

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Glad it was fun. Thanks!!

Glad you liked it!

Absolutely amazing - I would just check with the mods first to make sure the credits and title doesn’t take you over the 1 minute window.

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Checking in on that… if I don’t hear back I’ll just upload a second clip with the credits removed. Appreciate the heads up/thought :wink:

My God, this is really great, especially crows, dance, music. :heart:

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Confirmed video is ok as-is. Content is only 60s so that’s all that will be judged/reviewed. Cheers.

Voting is open. Button is at the very top left of the thread (Scroll up - way up).

Good luck all and Happy Halloween!

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You got a vote from me for having such a fun and humorous entry! Good luck.

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I want an invite to this party. A very creative interpretation of the theme. Great job. :grinning:

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